A descriptive list of changes made to this script
The most recent update is listed at the top, and the oldest at the bottom
This documentation serves the purpose of helping server owners install, setup, and use your new copy of this script.
Version 1.x.x will soon be deprecated as v2.x.x is released. This section of the documentation has been limited so that v2 documentation can be written in its place.
Answers to common questions and troubleshooting steps.
Instructions for handling situations where the addon will not display at all on the server.
View a list of Workshop Addons that are deemed incompatible with this addon.
The answer you will receive if you wrote your own customizations which are not working.
Policy regarding refunds
Instructions for handling situations where the addon throws errors in the server console.
The main question I always get asked.
The answer you will receive if you wrote your own customizations which are not working.
If you modified this script and are now having issues getting your changes to function properly; this is an issue you will have to troubleshoot yourself.
I do not provide support for modifications to the base script.
This policy does NOT include changing settings that come out-of-box; which you will still receive support for.
Policy regarding refunds
It is common for customers to have basic issues with a script; immediately assume it is the script's fault, and request a refund before any type of communication or ticket has been created. Then after initial troubleshooting; it ends up being a bad installation, or a user-error.
For this reason is why refunds are not granted simply upon request if you report an issue with the script. The developer will request that you submit a ticket with the following information:
Any errors in your server-side console
Verifying your installation path
Confirming the script works without any initial settings being modified
If the above points appear to be fine; then the developer is going to request additional information related to your server itself so that the developer can take a look personally.
Should bugs with the script be present; the developer will release updates addressing the issue.
Because you are dealing with digital items; a developer cannot remove your downloaded copy of an addon. Therefore, a refund is approved in instances where no other possible solution can be provided to address your issue in a proper amount of time; as long as the issue is with the addon itself, and NOT because of user-errors. Which will be determined by the developer after you create your initial support ticket.
The number one question...
I cannot give ETAs on when updates are released. I am constantly working on adding new features, as well as bug fixes. On top of that, I have a large list of scripts that also still receive regular updates. If I give an ETA on an update release; I cannot stick to that schedule because something can arise that causes the update to be delayed; therefore, I'll never give a time / date of a release.
Steps to take if your addon will not display in-game.
Verify that you've followed the instructions on the Install page. Ensure that this includes both a good installation of rlib AND the addon itself. You can also follow the steps on the Verify page to ensure that both of these are functioning properly.
If you have made changes to the configuration and cannot get the addon to show; revert those changes. Try installing a fresh copy of the addon without any changes to determine if the changes to the config are to blame or if you are having issues elsewhere.
Ensure that you are using the latest version of both rlib AND the addon you are trying to install. Gmodstore allows developers to post multiple versions of an addon, and sometimes customers can accidentally click if downloading the addon from the Versions tab. Double-check your installed version.
If you are experiencing issues with this addon; ensure first that it is not conflicting with other addons. Any addons that have been installed from the Steam Workshop MUST be checked first. This developer cannot control the quality of code for addons distributed via the Steam Workshop and most reported situations involve a Workshop addon that is not coded properly and has not been updated in years.
For more detailed instructions; view the Incompatible Addons page.
Addons in this list have been deemed "incompatible" and require extra work.
The following workshop addons have been known to cause issues with this script after being reported to the developer. In order to get this addon functioning properly; please review the chart below to see what is causing the incompatibility.
Certain workshop addons are coded poorly, and the Steam Workshop does not have "Coding Standards". In order to correct the addons below; it would be required to modify the Workshop addon itself which is not good practice for us. We do not want to modify other scripts to behave differently than what you expect them to behave.
No addons reported
From time to time; certain addons from the Steam Workshop may conflict with purchased addons from Gmodstore.
Ensure you follow these instructions. If you submit a ticket about the addon not showing up and it properly being installed; this will be the first process the developer makes you go through.
To eliminate the possibility of a Steam Workshop addon breaking this addon; please complete the following:
Open your server's Hosting Control Panel (gmc, crident, etc).
Locate the Startup Parameters section.
REMOVE the steam workshop collection id associated to the server
Save your server settings with workshop id removed
Restart the server and then join
Check to see if the addon now works
If you removed the workshop collection and your addon does NOT work; Submit a Ticket to the developer.
If you removed the workshop collection and your addon now works; you will need to use Process of Elimination to figure out which addon is causing a conflict.
If you have verified that this addon does not function unless you remove your Steam Workshop Collection; then you will need to figure out which addon is causing conflicts. Again, this is usually not a developer issue related to addons on Gmodstore, but improperly coded addons that are provided on the workshop that have no quality control in place.
You will need create an additional Steam Workshop Collection titled something such as Test; and apply that new workshop id to your server; replacing your official collection.
Add a small group of addons to begin with (roughly five (5) at a time) to your new test collection, and then restart your server.
When the server is back online, join the server and test this addon to see if it starts to function. If it does, you will need to narrow down which of the five newest addons may be causing the conflict by removing one of the five; one by one and doing a restart.
If the issue persists after five are added; then add an additional five and continue this process.
It is tedious, and takes time especially on servers which a large list of subscribed workshop items, but it is the only way to determine which addon is conflicting.
Once you find the conflicting addon; contact the developer of this gmodstore addon to see if some type of work-around can be developed.
When adding workshop items to a test collection, start with workshop items that add major functionality. These are usually the ones that cause issues. Leave workshop items that simply add player or prop models and maps for last as these are less likely to be the issue.
If your server console is throwing errors.
If yes; go back to the edited config file and remove the edits you have made and attempt to restart the server and check for errors.
Make sure you followed the Install procedures properly.
Write down the error and contact the developer on gmodstore.com
Workshop collection for this addon
Each addon has a workshop collection associated to it. The workshop content delivers materials, fonts, and sounds to your users so that they'll be able to see everything within the addon.
These scripts include a workshop auto-mounting system which will force each connecting player to mount the required workshop for this addon; however, if you need the workshop for other purposes or to add to your server's workshop collection; you can get it below
This section explains common issues and resolutions.
Launch your server; read through your server-side console for errors.
If you see errors; contact the developer via a ticket on https://gmodstore.com and paste the errors in the ticket.
If no errors are visible; read through the server-side console again and look for any mentioning of the script. If you see no text at all showing the script name HudHive with version information, author name, etc. Then refer to the Installation guide; your script doesn't appear to be installed properly.
Type !hud in chat; the HUD may be starting out hidden.
Ensure that you are using a compatible gamemode for this HUD.
At the time of writing this; DarkRP and DarkRP-based gamemodes work.
A Deathrun version of the HUD is available on gmodstore.
If none of the steps above work; contact the developer for further troubleshooting.